Časopis Muzeja žrtava genocida
Godišnjak za istraživanje genocida
Izdavač časopisa
Muzej žrtava genocida osnovan je 1992. godine Zakonom o osnivanju Muzeja žrtava genocida „radi trajnog sećanja na žrtve genocida nad Srbima, prikupljanja, obrade i korišćenja podataka o njima i ostvarivanju obaveza iz Međunarodne konvencije o sprečavanju i kažnjavanju zločina genocida“. Stupanjem na snagu Zakona o muzejskoj delatnosti u oktobru 2021. godine, Muzej žrtava genocida postaje matični muzej u Republici Srbiji „za negovanje kulture sećanja na žrtve genocida i holokausta“.
Jedno od područja rada Muzeja žrtava genocida predstavlja izdavačka delatnost koja, pored ostalog, obuhvata objaljivanje knjiga, zbornika arhivske građe, kataloga izložbii dr. Od 2015. godine, Muzej žrtava genocida objavljuje časopis „Godišnjak za istraživanje genocida“. Časopis se objavljuje jednom godišnje, a po potrebi i češće.
Uređivačka politika
U časopisu „Godišnjak za istraživanje genocida“ objavljuju se izvorni naučni radovi, pregledni radovi, naučne kritike, polemike i osvrti, izlaganja sa naučnih skupova, stručni radovi, prikazi knjiga ili periodika iz oblasti istraživanja genocida, holokausta, zločina protiv čovečnosti, ratnih zločina, kao i kulture sećanja na žrtve ratnih stradanja. Svetski ratovi i drugi oružani sukobi koji su se dogodili na tlu bivše Jugoslavije u 20. i 21. veku veku predstavljaju teme u fokusu, koje časopis nastoji da osvetli kroz autorske članke koji pružaju naučni doprinos istorografiji, kao i drugim naučnim disciplinama (istoriji umetnosti, sociologiji, pravnoj nauci, političkim naukama, etnologiji, antropologiji, filološkim naukama, psihologiji i dr) koje se bave ovim pitanjimau skladu sa svojim metodama. Tematski okvir predstavljaju genocid nad Srbima, holokaust, samudaripen (genocid nad Romima), kao i ostala ratna stradanje pripadnika srpskog naroda i drugih nacionalnih i etničkih zajednica na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije tokom 20. i 21. veka, kao i druga pitanja ratnih zločina, zločina protiv čovečnosti, genocida i holokausta.
Journal of the Genocide Victims’ Museum
Yearbook of Genocide Research
Journal publisher
The Genocide Victims’ Museum was established in 1992 by the Law on the Establishment of the Genocide Victims’ Museum „for the permanent memory of victims of genocide over Serbs, collection, processing and use of informationon them, and fulfilment of obligations under the International Convention on Genocide Prevention and Punishment“. With the entry into force of the Law on Museum Activities in October 2021, the Genocide Victims’ Museum became the main museum in the Republic of Serbia „for nurturing the culture of remembrance of victims of genocide and the Holocaust“.
One of the areas of work of the Genocide Victims’ Museum pertains to publishing, which, among other things, includes publishing books, collections of archives, catalogues of exhibitions, etc. Since 2015, the Genocide Victims ’Museum has been publishing the journal Yearbook of Genocide Research. The magazine is published once a year, or more frequently if necessary.
Editorial policy
The Yearbook of Genocide Research journal publishes original scientific papers, review papers, scientific critiques, polemics and reviews, presentations from scientific conferences, professional papers, reviews of books or periodicals in the field of genocide, Holocaust, crimes against humanity, war crimes, as well as the culture of remembrance of the victims of war suffering. World wars and other armed conflicts that took place on the territory of the former Yugoslavia in the 20th and 21st centuries are topics in focus, which the journal seeks to illuminate through the author’s articles that provide scientific contributions to historiography and other scientific disciplines (art history, sociology, legal science, political science, ethnology, anthropology, philology, psychology, etc.) that deal with these issues in accordance with their methods. The thematic framework pertains to the genocide over Serbs, Holocaust, Samudaripen (genocide over Romani people), as well as other war sufferings of members of the Serbian people and other national and ethnic communities in the former Yugoslavia during the 20th and 21st centuries, as well as general issues of war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and the Holocaust.